Sunday, April 19, 2020

Social Media Etiquette


  1. Hi Chris,
    You did a great job on your presentation! I also did something that involved the Boston Marathon. But this is super messed up what this lady did. I agree she shouldn't have wore this she easily could have been something different. I think you made a good point she shouldn't try to justify her actions, she should just take full responsibility for her actions.

  2. Chris,
    I can’t believe someone would dress up as a Boston Marathon victim for Halloween. Not only is that in extremely bad taste, but it proves that publicly doing something offensive is detrimental to careers. In my opinion, Alicia Ann Lynch deserves to be fired, but I agree with your suggestions for how she could have rectified the situation.

  3. Chris,
    This is a really good example of what not to do on social media. Anyone should be smart enough to know this was wrong, but someone with such a large platform should be even more careful with their actions and what they post/do. It only takes thinking twice about what you do before you do it to avoid bad situations like this one. I agree with you that her only choice is to accept full responsibility for what she did.

  4. Hey Chris! I enjoyed your presentation and think that you made a lot of valid points Trying to justify your actions opposed to taking responsibility for your actions is childish and guaranteed to make your situation even worse. The insensitivity here is hard to believe and was about as avoidable as something can possibly be.
