Sunday, April 19, 2020

Class Look Back

In this class, I have learned the benefits of building and utilizing a personal learning network in order to help further my career if I need help or can provide help to another person. This class has provided me with valuable information in utilizing social media as well as other web tools to help me in my future career as a manager. I have also learned how to tell a good website from the bad ones, so in the future, if I am tasked with managing the design of a website I will know specifically what needs to be added to ensure that the website would be successful. Some tools that I learned about in this class through the smackdowns were: Instagram for businesses, Wordpress, different functions on Gmail, and a bunch of calendar apps that could be useful in my future career for keeping track of important deadlines and meetings about important projects. I learned to utilize the new functions that I learned about Gmail so I can easily sort my emails, so when I need to find something I can do it with ease. I enjoyed the class the way it was structured and all of the assignments were great is teaching the content of the class because instead of just reading about the content we also got chances to apply them throughout the course and smackdowns.

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