Sunday, April 19, 2020

Social Media Etiquette

Class Look Back

In this class, I have learned the benefits of building and utilizing a personal learning network in order to help further my career if I need help or can provide help to another person. This class has provided me with valuable information in utilizing social media as well as other web tools to help me in my future career as a manager. I have also learned how to tell a good website from the bad ones, so in the future, if I am tasked with managing the design of a website I will know specifically what needs to be added to ensure that the website would be successful. Some tools that I learned about in this class through the smackdowns were: Instagram for businesses, Wordpress, different functions on Gmail, and a bunch of calendar apps that could be useful in my future career for keeping track of important deadlines and meetings about important projects. I learned to utilize the new functions that I learned about Gmail so I can easily sort my emails, so when I need to find something I can do it with ease. I enjoyed the class the way it was structured and all of the assignments were great is teaching the content of the class because instead of just reading about the content we also got chances to apply them throughout the course and smackdowns.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Good V.S. Bad Websites Smackdown

The websites that I chose to showcase in my smackdown exemplify good and bad websites. This is due to the fact that they may or may not meet the following criteria which makes a website good or not. In order for a website to be good, some of the criteria that it must possess are: moderation, easy to use, phenomenal content, and striking colors. In my Smackdown Play Big Zone exemplified that criteria making it superior to its competition iPlay America. Play Big Zone's website is not overly cluttered with information, pictures, videos, or ads unlike iPlay America. It is a nice clean cut website that allows users to find the information they need. Since their website is not cluttered it aids in the ease of use because they have a simple navigation bar that clearly defines what information you will find on those pages. Additionally, it does not have navigation tabs that have multiple choices making it more difficult to navigate and find information, which is something that iPlay America has making their website more difficult to navigate. Furthermore, Play Big Zone's website has nice bright and vibrant colors that captures the user's attention while iPlay America's website is dark with hints of red popping in here and there throughout the website. Play Big Zone has almost been open for a year and their website is superior to iPlay America's who has been around longer and is the more established business.

The video contains the presentation and the video of the websites

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Social Media Tools

LinkedIn is a powerful networking tool which is an invaluable resource that can be used to aid a person in finding and getting a job. This caught my eye because a site like this allows people who are looking for jobs or just looking to get their name and business out there to easily connect with people from different businesses in order to help them in the future. I chose this because as a future manager I feel that this site would allow me to reach out and meet people from different businesses around the world in order to help further my career as well as aid me in finding the right candidates to hire. I would use LinkedIn, especially for the hiring process because it gives me the ability to see where the candidate has worked before as well as some other personal information about them. Additionally, when I start my career LinkedIn would serve to allow me to get my name out there and meet new people who could potentially hire me as a manager.

Grab In Box:
Grab In Box is a tool that allows you to post on multiple platforms from one site saving you time from having you create the same post multiple times for each social media site. This caught my eye because if I manage a marketing team in this day and age social media is a powerful tool in marketing, so with this tool it would easily allow my team and I to make one post to be published on all social media sites. I chose this site because it allows for time to be saved when marketing products. This site cuts out the unnecessary steps of recreating the same posts for different social media sites in order to advertise the same product. I would use Grab In Box because it would be an invaluable web tool to have since it effectively streamlines the ability to make posts for social media across multiple platforms quickly.

Facebook Business Manager:
Facebook Business Manager is a great tool that allows for the management of your ads, pages, apps, and the people who work on them all from one place. This caught my eye because a site like this allows for simplicity in managing multiple aspects of a business account from one place. I chose this because as a future manager this would allow me to easily manage the business's Facebook page as well as all of the active ads that are running on the page. I would use this because it allows me to manage all aspects of the companies advertising as well as its presence on Facebook.