Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Connected Educator Chapter 4 Summary

Chapter 4 of Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach and Lani Ritter Hall's The Connecter Educator: Learning and Leading in a Digital Age discusses the importance of working together, forming trusts and transparency with one another in order to foster a better relationship while working together to reach the overall goal. There are many aspects that they touch on in order to establish the deep relationship that they talk about. Trust and transparency were some of the big ones that they discussed. Obviously, when working with another person on a project you have to trust them otherwise problems between each person could arise since you do not trust them. Transparency goes hand in hand with trust because if you do not trust the person you are working with then you will not be transparent with them when it comes to relaying information regarding the project to them. Another factor that they cover is storming. Storming is when people begin to disagree and get frustrated with the time it takes to learn something new. "...educators are not told that this is a normal part of the connected learning community growth process, they give up prematurely, assuming this is one more professional development strategy that does not work" (Nusbaum-Beach and Hall 67). These are some of the most crucial aspects that are part of building a collaborative culture.

The use of trust and transparency along with other aspects that Nussbaum-Beach and Hall describe would benefit me in my future career as a manager because as a manager I need to be able to trust the people that are a part of my team. If we are working on a project I need to know that I can count on them to get the work done on their own and I do not have to be that guy that has to micro-manage people. Transparency is the same thing, I need to be transparent with my team when issues arise and they also have to be transparent with me if they have any concerns or issues in order to ensure that everyone on the team can foster the deep relationship that Nussbaum-Beach and Hall describe. This deep relationship will benefit the team and will be the reason that everyone will work well together and no one would have to micro-manage or have issues with another person on the team.

"Building a Collaborative Culture." The Connected Educator: Learning and Leading in a Digital Age, by Seryl Nussbaum-Beach and Lani Ritter Hall, Solution Tree Press, 2012, pp. 57-71.


  1. Hi Chris. With your career as a manager, as you even say, transparency and communication are key. Teamwork is your goal as a good manager so this chapter is likely gonna have the most impact on your future. In a a face-to-face manner, this trust building is a given, but in the context of building trust or a reputation online, how would you go about doing so?

  2. Hi Chris,
    Any aspiring manager/leader would find this chapter useful. Not only does your team have to trust you, you have to have faith that they will accomplish their tasks. I also appreciate your emphasis on transparency. One connects to the other. It is very hard to trust someone who you feel is not being transparent with you. That said, what are some ways you as a manager can ensure transparency?
