Saturday, March 14, 2020

Web Tool Smack down

For my web tool, I chose Skype because it is a great app that allows for easy and simple communication with other people. Skype has multiple different ways to communicate with people from anywhere around the world at any time. Most of these features are free, but there is one service that they offer that is a monthly subscription. You can create meetings with as many people as you want in just 3 simple steps. All you have to do is click the start meeting button, click share invite, and select the people you want in the video call and you are done. Skype makes it as simple and easy as possible when it comes to communicating with others. Furthermore, you can do the chat feature you can have a group chat or just message individual people where you can go over things that need to be done or just to communicate through in a less formal structure like email. The last feature that they offer is the monthly subscription to obtain a phone number through skype where they can receive and make called to any cell phone or landline anywhere in the world.

All of these features will be extremely useful in my career as a manager because as a manager you must be able to communicate clearly and quickly in order to complete the task at hand. The meeting video chat is useful since it allows you to conference with people who may work in different buildings around the world. A reason for doing something like this would be if you are working on a project together and you need to communicate your research and other findings to one another in order to complete the project. The same goes for the chat feature whether it is a group chat or and individual chat it allows the managers to quickly communicate with the various members of their team and share information that is relevant to the project. Communication is key in management and the quicker and easier one is able to communicate the better the business will be since they will be able to get more done. Lastly, the paid subscription is extremely useful because if I have to travel a lot for my future career if I have to visit other teams in offices around the world them obtaining a phone number through skype to make and receive calls from anyone is great. If you were to purchase an international phone plan from your provider it would be extremely expensive, but skype offers it for a low monthly rate. This would allow me to stay in touch with my home team while I travel to these other teams to ensure everything is being done correctly to complete the project.


  1. Hi Chris! Great blog and presentation. I love the fact that you mentioned how you can use Skype from a team meeting perspective. I think that is amazing. I as a future teacher could possibly use this for a parent/teacher conference in a case that a parent is ill and can't come to their scheduled meeting. Awesome job.

  2. Hey Chris,
    This was a really great presentation! You really did a good job explaining Skype and what it has to offer. I've used this before and I think it's really cool to use and it's super easy too.

  3. Hi Chris
    I have heard of skype but have never really used it, your presentation really made me understand it more. It seems like such a great tool to use, especially cause it is more professional than facetime.

  4. Hey Chris
    I have used Skype occasionally! My grandparents don't have iPhones so we use that to talk to them on video. I feel Skype is good for professional use and I'll be able to talk with parents or clients if needed.

  5. Hey Chris,
    Great presentation! I have used Skype a few times in the past. Your presentation was really good and helped me understand how to use it better. I think it is a great tool to use for conferences and meetings.

  6. Hi Chris,
    Great job on your presentation! I have used Skype in the past, but not as much anymore. However, I do believe that it can be a really helpful web tool to help you stay connected with coworkers in the future. I think that Skype would be very useful to you in your future career as a manager!

  7. Hi Chris,
    Great presentation! I have used Skype a few times a couple years ago, but your presentation did a great job of showing each feature and showing how it can be really useful. It is definitely a great tool to stay connected with all your coworkers or for meetings and conferences. This will be a good tool in your future career for sure!

  8. You did a great job explaining Skype. I have never actually used it, but I will look into using it now because it looks like a really helpful tool. Great presentation!

  9. Hi Chris,
    Great presentation! I used to use Skype with friends when I was younger but I dont use it anymore. I will probably use this in the future to speak with multiple clients at a time for a project.

  10. Hi Chris!
    I have used Skype quite a lot for both personal as well as career-based reasons. I enjoyed how you discussed each component and how it can be useful. It is a great way to have group meetings when you might not be able to meet in person.

  11. Skype has been such a helpful tool in my life already. It's so convenient to be able to have meetings over Skype instead of meeting in person. It can also be useful for job interviews too!

  12. Nice presentation! I used to use Skype in group chats when I was younger, though over time, we all became disillusioned with it and moved on to Discord, which fit our needs more easily. My workplace uses Slack, so I cannot see myself using Skype anymore. That said, it was still nice to see your presentation on it.

  13. I agree that communication is key is business! Skype is a great way to stay on top of tasks and stay connected to business partners and clients.

  14. Almost everyone knows or has heard of Skype before and how valuable it is. You can have face to face calls with people from around the world and is definitely a key to business communication. Great presentation!

  15. Hello Chris,
    I have heard of skype before but I have never used it before because I do have an Iphone and would always Facetime. I do not think that I would use this in my future due to the fact that we now have group Facetime and also zoom. I really liked your presentation and I learned so much on it because I have never looked into it myself.

  16. Hi Chris, Skype is a tool I've used in the past but never for any impersonal uses so this presentation was an interesting way to look at Skype in a new light. With education following the path it is with social distancing, Skype could be a very useful tool in the coming months. Great presentation Chris!
