Sunday, February 23, 2020

Social Media Smackdown

I chose Instagram for my social media smackdown project because I believe that it provides the most benefit to businesses that are trying to market their products to new audiences. Instagram provides features specifically for the purpose of advertising products. A business can make a free business account giving them access to analytics, promotion of posts, ad creating, and displaying all business information. On the analytics side of things, Instagram provides the business with insights into their stories, posts, and followers allowing them to see who views what and what the demographics viewing it is. It does not stop there. Once a business decides to promote a post, Instagram provides real-time data to show the business how the prompted post or story is doing throughout the day, allowing them to decide if it is worth continuing to promote the post or not. Now that I mentioned promoting a post, let me explain what that is. One of the features that you have access to as a business account is for a fee to pay to have your post pushed as an advertisement on to other people's timelines. This allows for whatever you are promoting to reach more people and potentially boost sales and gain new followers. Additionally, Instagram provides a way for the business and customers to interact. This can be if a customer has questions and business can answer them right there or if customers are giving feedback, it allows the business to see and address what the customers are saying.

This would benefit me in my future career as a manager because one of the potential paths I could follow would be to oversee a marketing team. One of the tools that we could use would be Instagram because of the number of people who use it and the convenience and simplicity that it provides. With all of the features that Instagram provides, it would allow for any marketing team to gauge whether they should continue to push the promoted product and knowing if the post is doing well on Instagram as a business we could check our website and see if there is an increase in traffic and sales. If there are then that could be attributed to the advertising work that is being conducted on Instagram. The more people the promoted posts or ads reach the more potential sales and customers we would receive which would allow for the business to become more successful. As a manager, it would be up to me to make sure that these campaigns are successful in order to help the business grow.


  1. Hi Chris! I love Instagram and to have an idea to use it from a marketing perspective to benefit a business is definitely a great way to pump up profits! This will for sure benefit your future career in managing a business. Great presentation!

  2. Hi Chris,
    Instagram is a great application in general, but it would be really helpful for someone in a business. I really liked how you had videos in your slides, it was very creative and helpful to visualize how it all works. I think that if you went with overseeing a marketing team, Instagram would be very useful to promote products. The fact that you can see all of the analytics of the account is also really helpful for someone in that field. Overall, great job on your presentation!

  3. Hi Chris!
    I love Instagram and I see businesses making great accounts on it all the time. It really helps me from a customers perspective to look at their Instagram feed and see what their brand is all about. Using it to promote your company and use Instagram for marketing is definitely a great idea!

  4. Hi Chris,
    Instagram is great, we all use it every single day to keep up with friends and what's going on. You can get so much info from it as well alone from liking others photos and stuff. People now show their company, products, etc. on instagram. It's great you can connect instagram as a future career in managing.

  5. Hi Chris
    Instagram was a good choice. I feel like everyone I know has an instagram whether they post or not people are always scrolling on it and using it for some particular reason. I have seen so many people become popular from an instagram account. I follow many fitness influencers who have built themself and creating a life for themself through instagram. Its a great app to me.

  6. Hi Chris,
    I found it really interesting that you chose Instagram for your Smackdown because I never really thought of it as a career tool. However, after viewing your presentation I realized that it could be very useful for businesses and marketing. I wonder how it could be used for my career in environmental science. What are your thoughts on “influencers” or other people who make a majority of their money through social media?

  7. I feel like the topic of social media being used as a marketing tool is an interesting one. There is, of course, the topic of businesses using the platform for advertisement, though there are also influencers to take into account as they have large followings and often use social media as their career. The potential for partnerships between these two entities, as well as the ethics in doing so, is an interesting discussion that I feel will become more important as companies take further initiative to utilize influencers for cheap advertisement.

  8. Hi Chris,
    This was so interesting to learn more about! I love using instagram for social media but I had no idea you could use it for business like you explained. You did an awesome job giving more information about this. I really learned a lot listening to your presentation!

  9. Using social media as a marketing tool is a really good idea. I go on Instagram a lot, so I, as well as many others, could be reached by a ton of companies. By creating a good account that will make your business look good, you could get noticed by potential customers. I think it's a really good idea to use Instagram.

  10. Hi Chris,
    I really liked your presentation. I love Instagram and think that it is a great tool for business and marketing aspects. Most people use Instagram and it is a great way to promote businesses. I think that Instagram is a great app!

  11. Hi Chris,
    I really liked your presentation. I love Instagram and think that it is a great tool for business and marketing aspects. Most people use Instagram and it is a great way to promote businesses. I think that Instagram is a great app!

  12. I am not a big fan of instagram however i still use it. I like that you would be using it for marketing which i can really see would take off very well.

  13. Hi Chris, Instagram was a tough choice for this project so props to you for using it to its fullest. Like you said, advertising is one of Instagram's strong suits. Instagram's accessibility to the general public and easily available analytics allow for a great platform for business. Excellent presentation Chris!

  14. This was very interesting about how you can spend money to promote your business posts! I didn't think about this when I was thinking how this app can work for a smack down and it was very informative. I feel if your promotion is done correctly you can have great success with Instagram.

  15. I completely agree that Instagram is a great tool for business'! I used to work for a small, family owned company and a lot of customers were brought in because of our Instagram presence. Your presentation did a great job of showing how it can be used to promote business'.

  16. I think that Instagram is a great place for business at the moment but for sure see it going downhill. When Facebook started cluttering its timelines with advertisements and sponsored posts I know a lot of people stopped using it and I find myself more and more annoyed in the same manner with Instagram today. Know that wasn't a central focus on all of the tools available just the first thing that came to mind!

  17. Hello Chris,
    I love how you used Instagram as a smack down. This is a app that people use of all ages. You can advertise as post or as a story which is very cool. I love how you did a awesome job of showing how Instagram can promote a business.

  18. I have recently been making an effort to transform my Instagram into a more professional platform, so I appreciate you sharing your knowledge on the application’s professional potential. The addition of the Business Instagram feature has been instrumental in viewing analytics, especially since seemingly every human on earth uses Instagram. Great presentation!
