Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Connected Educator Chapter 5 Summary

Chapter 5 of Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach and Lani Ritter Hall's The Connecter Educator: Learning and Leading in a Digital Age discusses the importance of using social bookmarking in order to filter information so that it is relevant to what you search for. There are many different sites to use in order to filter through all of the different sites online for your convenience. Additionally, there are many different tools in order to connect and collaborate with people in your personal learning network. some of the tools are bogs, microblogs, RSS readers, podcasts, wikis, and google docs. All in an effort to maintain one's reputation on a professional level to aid in networking and establishing a strong online presence. "The Twitter website is a good resource for connecting and collaborating with educators" (Nussbaum-Beach and Hall 82). Twitter is one of the most popularly used microblogs and it requires the least amount of time to invest. One of the most important aspects of Twitter is its use of hashtags to tag tweets with. It allows for the tweet to easily be found through search with people who have common interests.

The use of filtering through information and different tools that Nussbaum-Beach and Hall describe would benefit me in my future career as a manager because it would allow for new ways to network myself to different people while also learning new information from these people. As a manager communication is everything, so and easy way to communicate while building a strong online presence is crucial. Twitter would be an excellent app to use since it requires the least amount of time, is easy to sort through, and puts everything in chronological order regarding tweets from people that you follow. The easy line of communication allows me to interact with people all over the world and gain valuable knowledge from them. Additionally, another tool that would be good to use as a manager is google drive. Google drive allows for easy access to documents from any computer anywhere, it even allows for easy document sharing with people.  As a manager, this would allow me to easily disperse pertinent documents to the people that I oversee in order for fast and easy communication. 

"Using Tools to Support Connected Learning." The Connected Educator: Learning and Leading in a Digital Age, by Seryl Nussbaum-Beach and Lani Ritter Hall, Solution Tree Press, 2012, pp. 73-89.


  1. Hi Chris! I loved reading your blog! I definitely appreciate you sampling Twitter and saying that it is quick, easy, and organized. I am using that for my App Smackdown, so I can definitely see out the chronological order and bounce off of that in my presentation.

  2. Hi Chris,

    I as well used Twitter as a connection to the chapter. Your blog was great and really connected with the readings and it's good to hear that it will benefit you in your future career as a manger. :)

  3. Hi Chris,
    I agree with you that Twitter is a really easy online tool. It is definitely accessible for mostly everyone and really simple to figure out. It also helps that Twitter is worldwide so you will be able to create connections with people all over. I also agree with you that Google drive will be helpful to you in your future profession. Have you used google drive in jobs before?

  4. Hello Chris,
    I absolutely love how you connected this chapter with being a manager because it honestly is all about connections. Being a manager means reaching out and using people for resources, that gets your name in the mix and that is a wonderful place to be as a manager and I am speaking from experience. Getting those connections and keeping those connections are very important. Once thing you have to do as a manager is sometimes lead calls and that is either over the phone or video call. Do you think that speaking to a group of people may scare you?
